International Conference on Business Management & Information Systems (ICBMIS2013)

Pre-conference Workshop on Case Method of Teaching & Case Writing
June 18-19, 2013
Institute of Management Technology, Dubai

All professional B-schools face the intricate challenge: how to prepare aspiring MBA graduates to the world of corporate practices? The time and effort spent in the class-room must get translated into real-world applications involving how to diagnose the problem, weigh alternatives and take action.

 Today’s management students look forward to an active role in their learning environment. They like to work with relevant and challenging scenarios and case studies that are adapted to their learning goals that provide a forum for stimulating class discussions, in the context of industry practices. The rewards of case driven pedagogy are motivated students, thought-provoking class interactions, better prepared students and renewed interest in teaching and learning.

The intensive workshop helps participants teach effectively using case studies. Participants work through all phases in the case method of teaching using various exercises, group activity and case teaching practice sessions. This workshop is designed for those who are new to the use of cases for teaching and also for those with prior case teaching experience but wanting to enhance the effectiveness of case method of teaching. In addition, the workshop addresses the issues relating to managing an MBA class in today’s information age with new approaches.

Intricacies of writing cases and teaching notes will also be addressed.

The various modules of the case method work-shop are as following:

  • Management education-Different Learning styles
  • Establishing and Reshaping the student-teacher Learning Agreement 
  • Case Writing, Learning Process and Experiences - I
  • Case Writing, Case Teaching and Learning Process -II  
  • Case Analysis and Discussion Practice Session-I (Teaching a Cross-functional Discipline)
  • Case Analysis and Discussion Practice Session-II (Teaching a Quantitative Discipline)
  •  Managing an MBA Class- New Challenges and Approaches

Spread across different modules will be practical issues such as:


  • Sourcing case studies, free and paid
  • Selecting appropriate cases for topics
  • What types of topics are suitable for case method of teaching and what are not?
  • Limitations of case method of teaching
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of case method of teaching and the learning of students

The various modules of the case method work-shop are as following:

Monday, November 18: Day - 1

Session 1: Management Education-Different Learning styles

Traditional learning vs experiential or participant-centered learning

Managing transition from traditional to participant-centered learning:  The Flipped Class Room

Session 2: Establishing and Reshaping the student-teacher Learning Agreement

Understanding the dynamics of learning contract between student and the teacher

Homework, Case study and group-based activity

Session 3: Case Writing, Learning Process and Experiences - I

Understanding Key Skills Associated with Case Writing and Case Teaching

Session 4: Case Writing, Case Teaching and Learning Process

The overall case writing process: Case Origination and Preparing for Interview with the Case Lead

Integrating Learning Goals, Technical Notes, Case study and Teaching Note

Session 5: Case Analysis and Class Discussion- Practice Session-I

Questioning, Listening, and Responding: How to manage a case-based learning?

 Teaching a subject-based vs. Integrated or cross-functional Discipline  

Homework, Case study and group-based activity  

Q&As and Takeaways from Day - 1

Tuesday, November 19: Day - 2

Session 6: Case Analysis and Class Discussion - Practice Session-II 

 Teaching a Quantitative subject

Homework, Case study and group-based activity

Session 7: Managing an MBA Class- New Challenges and Approaches

Managing an MBA class in New Information Age

Changing businesses and  Technology: The need to re-invent MBA Program

Participant experience sharing

Q&As and Takeaways from Day - 2


The program will help the participants:

  • develop a student centered learning approach
  • revisit the skills in designing course plans and objectives
  • revisit various instructional methods
  • learn about the dynamics of case method of teaching
  • decide the right set of teaching methods