Upload Submissions

Upload Submissions

How to upload abstract and full paper?

You must upload abstract and full papers using IJACP’s Upload Site  (https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/ICBMIS2013)

All new users need to register by clicking “Sign-up here’ on the Upload Site (https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/ICBMIS2013)

This is how it works:

  1. Register yourself by going to the Upload Site (https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/ICBMIS2013)
  2. Login and you will see options to select a track. Select appropriate track for your paper
  3. Follow online instructions
  4. You need to paste the abstract in the space provided
  5. You can also upload a file, if you wish to.
  6. Once you receive acceptance of your abstract, you need to upload full paper in camer ready format. Camera ready format here means a properly formatted MS Word file that is ready to be converted in to a PDF file for publishing.
  7. You can edit your submissions within the deadlines. You can also upload supplementary materials within the deadlines 


When you login to submit your paper, you will see the following activities at different stages. The table explains what do they mean and how you can use them.

Activity Name You See on the Submission (CMT) Page


(Deadlines are in Pacific Standard Time. PST is UTC-8.00 Hours)



New Paper Submission

Deadline 6/30/2013 11:59:00 PM PT


Use this menu to submit paper abstract

Edit Paper Submission

Deadline 6/30/2013 11:59:00 PM PT


Use this menu to edit your submission

Supplementary Material Submission

Deadline 9/15/2013 11:59:00 PM PT


Use this menu to submit supplementary material for your submission

Author Feedback

Deadline 7/15/2013 11:59:00 PM PT


Use this menu to send your feedback to the conference organizers

Paper Status


Not Available

This is for internal use of the conference organizers

Camera Ready Paper Submission

Deadline 9/15/2012 11:59:00 PM PT


Use this menu to submit your full and final paper. This must be in compliance with the format requirements

Presentation Submission

Deadline 10/30/2013 11:59:00 PM PT


Use this menu to submit a pdf copy of your PowerPoint or any other presentation that you will use during the presentation at the conference